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5 Tips to Have an HAPPY & GUILT-FREE Thanksgiving!


Thanksgiving can be such a stressful time - traveling, seeing family, taking time away from routines, but MAINLY, worried about alllllll the food you'll be eating & taking a "break" from scheduled movement....

Maybe you adopt that "f it" mentality & go HARD at Thanksigivng dinner BUT know you'll dreading that post-dinner food-coma you know you'll inevitably fall into after stuffing your face with 3-4 plates of food + dessert after and THEN, feeling like you need to punish yourself with vigourous exercise....

This was my experience for years!!! I looooove food, I love Thanksgiving, BUT the thought of not having access to a gym when traveling home & being around SO MUCH yummy food freaked me out! Having the intention of enjoying rest & eating good food I don't normally eat but succumbing to total loss of control at the dinner table & feeling GUILTY AS HELL afterwards. Not fun.

If you have a similiar experience with Thanksgiving, keep reading because I've got some pro-tips for ya to alleviate that stress & loss of control :)


  1. Don't Starve Yourself Before Dinner:

  2. Build Your Plate Around Your Turkey:

  3. Eat Slow & Take Breaks:

  4. Walks!!!!!

  5. Freakin Chill Out & Enjoy The Time:


Be Well,





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