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  • Writer's pictureGiulia Cammarano

Adding vs. Losing

Being in the health & fitness world for almost 5 years now, I've realized just how many people are SOLELY focused on "losing weight" for

their health.

Now, this is by no means a bad goal to have, especially if you're wanting to lead a healthier lifestyle. BUT, where most people get stuck & start to feel discouraged on their health journey's is when their one & only focus is directed towards the number on the scale & the pounds they can lose.

I'd like to propose a new & improved way to optimize your health & lose weight at the same time without feeling demoralized by the scale & obsessed with the numbers. Moving away from a LOSING mindset & refocusing your attention & energy towards a mindset of ADDING.

You may be thinking, "ADDING? Adding what?? I want to lose weight, not gain weight!"

YES, & that is exactly what you can do by ADDING skeletal muscle mass to your body composition. The problem isn't too much fat mass in the body, but rather unhealthy skeletal muscle mass (SMM). Let me explain...


Skeletal muscle mass (you're muscles) make up about 40% of your total body weight, that's almost half of your total body composition - so it sure as heck plays a large role in the underlying make up of that number on the scale.

Building SMM aids in the process of weight loss in 2 crucial ways:

  • increasing Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): amount of calories your body will burn when performing basic, life-sustaining functions (breathing, typing, eating, resting, working, etc.) - essentially, improving metabolism

  • increasing Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE): amount of calories you burn / day based on your activity, BMR & thermic affect on food

Improved metabolism & burning more calories at rest (increased BMR) + increasing the amount of energy you put out in a day is KEY to weight loss. That means, you gotta ADD muscles to your body!

Here are 2 of the most simple & effective ways to increase SMM while simultaneously losing fat:

  1. STRENGTH TRAIN / LIFT WEIGHTS: contrary to popular & past belief, running on the treadmill & killing yourself with HIIT workouts won't be what increases your SMM for fat loss. BUT lifting heavy shit will! Tips on how to start:

    1. lift weights at least 3-4 x / week

    2. when strength training (ST), follow a progressive overload program - these are training programs that focus on continuous progress & stimulus on the body to adapt to new loads

    3. make sure your sets are at least 1-3 reps close to failure vs. just cruising through the movements

    4. be consistent & prioritize ST above all movement

    5. NOTE!!!! if you're new to ST, work with a personal trainer or online coach to help you get acclimated to this new way of exercise so you feel comfortable & confident to show up and be consistent

  2. CONSUME ADEQUATE PROTEIN: since you're breaking down your muscle fibers in the gym when you're training, those tissues need adequate fuel to help them rebuild stronger & bigger - triggering the process of protein synthesis (process of producing new muscle proteins), a process that cannot occur without the protein! Here are some key areas to focus on:

    1. start & end the day with protein packed meals with about 30-50 g of protein / meal:

      1. breakfast example: 2 eggs + egg whites, 1-2 veggies (i.e. spinach & onion), sprinkle of goat cheese & side of 2 slices of turkey bacon = ~40g protein

      2. dinner example: piece of grilled chicken breast over a kale & quinoa salad + Caesar dressing = ~50g protein

    2. prioritize high quality animal proteins: this offers the essential amino acids (EAA) the body requires for muscle building (i.e. lean beef, ground turkey, chicken breast, salmon, eggs, etc.)

    3. have protein at every meal: I like to tell my clients, animal proteins during bigger meals (breakfast, lunch & dinner) + plant based proteins in snacks (nut butters, seeds, beans, yogurt, etc)

    4. NOTE!!!! not only does protein help with muscle building BUT it also helps manage blood sugar & energy (minimizing cravings) + is highly satiating, meaning you can stay fuller for longer without needing to snack on more after a meal because you're still hungry


Now you're equipped with tools to work with when in the pursuit of ADDING MUSCLE for the success of your weight loss journey. Focusing on these key areas will redirect your focus from the number on the scale & the saga of LOSING weight to ADDING muscle to the body so you can experience healthy weight loss in a sustainable & enjoyable way!


Be Well,


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