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Lessons I Learned From A River

Writer's picture: Giulia CammaranoGiulia Cammarano

I spent my last weekend of the summer camping in one of my favorite places in Colorado. Our campsite is always adjacent to the Arkansas river and every morning & evening I start & end my day sitting next to that river. The last morning I had by this beautiful river, abundant with wisdom, I developed quite the epiphany as I sat & admired - this river had a lot of lessons to teach me & we're going to get a little philosophical here...



#1 Always move forward

Life ebbs & flows daily, it's never the same. We experience really high highs & really low lows. When we hit a low, we stop to assess, express an emotion, but maybe feel stuck afterwards, not knowing where to go next or how to move forward. "Where do I go from here?". No matter our lows, life keeps going, it doesn't stop for our misfortune. Despite the lows, the struggles, the setbacks, we need to keep flowing forward, because just like life, a river doesn't stop flowing forward.

#2 Adapt to what obstructs you from moving forward

In a river, there are lots of rocks & things that could potentially obstruct or change the flow & direction of the water. Rivers are resilient & quickly, without hesitation, adapt to those obstructions & changes shape to continue to flow forward. We all experience obstacles in life that could render our motivation, consistency, & movement, but instead of letting those obstructions completely stop our momentum forward, we must learn how to adapt, overcome & change our direction, shape or approach to those things stopping us so we can keep flowing forward.

#3 Be powerful & calm at the same time

Rivers can move fast, powerfully, & with a lot of force forward, all while maintaining small pockets that remain still, calm , & quiet. The duality of a rivers demeanor creates a balance between the strong & forceful and the still & calm nature of us all. We think these two ways of being can not live in us simultaneously - but a river tells us different. In life, you can:

  • speak your truth without sounding all knowing & arrogant

  • take up space without being obnoxious

  • move fast & forcefully but with grace

  • remain calm when demonstrating strength & power


Be Well,




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